( Sevillanas Sevillanas No.3 [BS-EV-003]
Product number: | BS-EV-003 |
Star: | マリア・デル・マル・ベルランガ 原田和彦 アギラール・デ・ヘレス 草野櫻子 |
Series: | フラメンコDVD(セビジャーナス) |
Director: | 有)ジェイ・ピー・カルロス |
Dealers: | Jay pee Carlos co., Ltd. |
File: | mp4 |
Replay time: | About 24 minute |
Product Information of "( Sevillanas Sevillanas No.3"
Sevillanas No.3
Disassemble the swing, step-by-step stages, for more information.
In this movement of the hands, arms complex-looking good!

Flamenco Sevillanas begins with!

-Sevillanas, Foundation caked on...-
Maria del Mar ベルランガ's バシコ de Flamenco instructional DVD

To all those professional to study Flamenco from the trainee's Japan!
Top rated as a leader of the ability sect bailaora, home of Sevilla
Is made by Maria del Mar ベルランガ instructional DVD first.

* Descriptive journal retrospective version too!
Sevillanas, flamenco base.

If the Sevillanas Numero other changes.
And your "Flamenco" to describe! -----------------------------------------
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